The process of registering a trademark in Chile through the National Institute of Industrial Property (INAPI) involves several steps and can take between 6 to 9 months, or even longer, depending on the case’s complexity and if oppositions arise. Here is a general breakdown of the process:

  1. Registration Application
    Filing the application with INAPI.
    This step takes only a few days but is just the beginning of the process.
  2. Formal Examination
    INAPI reviews the application to ensure it meets all formal requirements.
    This examination takes approximately 1 to 2 months.
  3. Publication in the Official Gazette
    If the application passes the formal examination, it is published in the Official Gazette, opening a 30-day period for third parties to file oppositions if they believe the trademark infringes their rights.
    This step takes around 1 to 2 months.
  4. Substantive Examination
    If no oppositions are filed, or after they are resolved, INAPI conducts a substantive examination to determine whether the trademark is registrable (e.g., whether it is distinctive and does not infringe prior rights).
    This examination may take between 2 to 6 months.
  5. Resolution and Trademark Grant
    If everything is in order, INAPI issues a resolution granting the trademark. Once granted, you must pay the corresponding fees to finalize the process.

Domain Registration in Chile

The process of registering a .cl domain is much faster than registering a trademark. Generally, domain registration through NIC Chile can be completed in just a few minutes or, in some cases, up to 24 hours, depending on whether additional verification is required.

  1. Availability and Application
    Checking domain availability and applying are immediate.
  2. Payment
    Once payment is made, the domain is usually activated quickly, often within 24 hours.
  3. DNS Propagation
    Although the registration is almost immediate, full DNS propagation (which allows the domain to be accessible globally) can take 24 to 48 hours.

In Summary:

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